Social Meet

March 5, 2022 @ 3:30 pm
The Barley Mow

Meeting maybe every 6 weeks for a social drink, maybe food too but not essential – no official business – where wives, partners, and potential CANDIDATES can come to meet outside of the Lodge environment.

I have provisionally booked us in at the Barley Mow at Milford, a venue pretty much central to our members demographic, for Saturday 5th March for around 3:30-4:00pm, but you’re obviously welcome to stay as little or as long as you like. Booking is in the name of Robert Mummery Lodge so you can be directed to where we are in the pub by staff members. This will NOT be a private room, but in the public bar/restaurant area, hence no Masonic business…..other than recruiting potential Candidates if we have any!!

There is no requirement or pressure to purchase food if you don’t wish, and are more than welcome to just come along for a drink and a chinwag – it’s purely a social get together after all

If you are unable to make this particular meeting, don’t worry, I plan to arrange them every 6 weeks in the hope of catching everyone at some point. Those who can will, and those who can’t will hopefully be able to attend a future date.