ROBERT BRADLEY MUMMERY lived in Stafford and worked as a Jeweller, when he first entered into Freemasonry at the age of 26. He was first Initiated into Staffordshire Knot Lodge No.726, Stafford, in September 1916, and Raised later that year. During his time there he held positions of JW and SW and finally became WM in 1929.
Robert Mummery was a founding member of the Izaac Walton Lodge No.4281, Stafford, which was consecrated at the end of May 1921, where he once again held positions of JW and SW, and became the Lodge WM towards the end of 1924.
In the first half of 1925, he joined Foster Gough Lodge No.2706 in Stafford, where from 1937 to 1943 he held the positions of JW, SW and WM.
Once again, W Bro Robert Mummery became a founding member of another Lodge within the Province. The Warrant for the Eccleshall Lodge No.5389, Eccleshall was granted in November 1932 and consecrated in March 1933, but he held no positions of office in this lodge.
From 1927 to 1930 he held the respective offices of 3rd Principal 'J', 2nd Principal 'H' and 1st Principal 'Z', the latter for two successive years, at the Royal Chartley Chapter of Fortitude No.726 in Stafford.
In February 1952, W Bro Mummery joined The Mercia Chapter No.3995 of Walsall, and during his time there, held the positions of 2nd Principal 'H' and 1st Principal 'Z'.
During his Masonic career, W Bro Robert Mummery also held the following positions of Office in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire:
P.P.S.G.W -- P.3rd.G.P -- P.A.G.D.C -- P.G.Swd.B
P.G.D -- P.A.G.Soj -- D.P.G.M -- P.G.M -- G.S.N
W.Bro Robert Mummery held a most influential and important position of Provincial Grand Master of Staffordshire, and this is one of the reasons why eventually others decided to "style" a Lodge after him. We are continually trying to find more information on the life of W.Bro Robert Mummery, and would be grateful of any contributions that anyone may have