At the annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting yesterday at the County Showground, Stafford, 573 brethren and one dog (a guide dog), enjoyed a wonderful afternoon and evening.
The event saw the launch of the 2024 Grand Charity Festival in Staffordshire Over the next 8 years Staffordshire’s freemasons will be aiming to raise around £2 million for charity.
The Provincial Grand Master paid tribute to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master John V. Renaudon PGSwdB on his retirement from the post and presented him with a packet of custard cream biscuits to the delight of the brethren! Before also presenting him with a lovely engraved cut glass vase. V.W.Bro John Renaudon has served Staffordshire for many years with distinction and the PGM stated he is sure that his valuable work will continue.
The Provincial Grand Master appointed David J. Thomas PPrJGW as his new Deputy Provincial Grand Master, before promoting Selwyn J. Burton as the Provincial Senior Grand Warden and Philip W. Baker as the Provincial Junior Grand Warden, after which he appointed a further 34 brethren to his team of active Provincial Officers and a further 126 brethren were appointed or promoted to past Provincial Grand Rank.
We are also pleased to announce promotions to three Brethren of our own Lodge, W.Bro’s A. Cox, J. Stewart, and D. Shirley